Tips for taking your motorhome to a national park

Motorhomes have become an increasingly popular way to explore and stay in national parks in New Windsor, NY and across the country. From the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the sandy beaches of Florida, there are beautiful landscapes for everyone to enjoy. But taking your motorhome to a national park can be intimidating if you’re unprepared. Here are some tips from us at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. for making sure your trip is enjoyable and successful:

  1. Plan ahead: Before heading out, research the park you’re going to and check with the local visitor center about regulations, fees, and safety issues. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with any campsite rules to know what amenities will be available during your stay.
  2. Pack provisions: Ensure you bring all necessary items like food, water, supplies for cooking, toiletries, and camping gear like sleeping bags and chairs. If possible, stock up on non-perishable items so you don’t have to worry about restocking during your stay. 
  3. Check your vehicle: Ensure your motorhome is in good shape before venturing on the open road. Ensure that everything is working correctly – from brakes and lights to tires and fluids – so that you don’t run into any problems while driving through or staying at a national park campground. 
  4. Be mindful of wildlife: National parks are home to many creatures, big and small! When traveling through or camping in a national park, never leave food out or unattended, as it may attract animals trying to get into your RV or campsite looking for food. 

For more tips, call us at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. today. We are proud to serve the New Windsor, NY area.

Ten Boating Safety Tips

As the temperature soars and the days grow longer, boat lovers begin to anticipate their favorite time of year. To ensure your time on boating is safe and fun, the licensed insurance professionals at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., serving the greater New Windsor, NY area, want you to remember these boating safety tips –

1. Make Sensible Decisions. 

Don’t operate a boat while drowsy or under the influence.

2. Follow the Weather Forecast. 

Before leaving the dock, check local weather conditions. Watch for sudden weather changes.

3. Give Someone Your Itinerary.

Include dates and where you are going. It is important for someone to know where to find you if you don’t return.

4. Carry a Life Jacket for Everyone.

Each boat passenger should have access to a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life-jacket. The boat should have a throwable flotation device for emergencies.

5. Do Not Overload the Boat.

Carry only the number of passengers and cargo allowed. You do not want to sink the boat.

6. Test the Horn.

Make sure you can communicate with other boats and send emergency signals.

7. Navigation Lights Should Be Kept On.

This is essential as it ensures other boats will clearly see you on the water.

8. Be Prepared for an Emergency On-Board.

Carry critical safety equipment – a first-aid kit, flares,  an emergency blanket, and fire extinguishers, an emergency blanket, on-board at all times.

9. Shut Off the Engine When Approaching Swimmers.

To minimize the risk of injury, turn off the engine and keep swimmers on the operator’s side of the boat.

10. Dress appropriately.

Wear slip-proof shoes, sunscreen, sunglasses, and waterproof clothing.

Are you looking for additional protection while boating? Talk to one of the licensed professionals at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., a full-service insurance company serving the greater New Windsor, NY vicinity. We can be reached conveniently online or by telephone at 845-562-8800.

Why umbrella insurance is not just for the wealthy

Umbrella insurance is one of the least understood types of insurance. It has nothing to do with an umbrella but everything to do with providing protection and coverage against all the bad things life can throw at you. We will be happy to discuss the benefits of adding an umbrella insurance policy to your portfolio at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY. 

There is a feeling that umbrella insurance is only for the wealthy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Do you have any assets? You are in danger of losing them if you are sued. If someone sues you and wins, you must also pay the judgment and legal fees. If you don’t have umbrella insurance, this will be from your own pocket. In the event you don’t have enough cash, you may be forced to sell some of your assets or have your wages attached. This could affect your financial health for many years to come. 

Umbrella insurance could take care of paying that judgment and your legal fees. You don’t need to be rich to benefit from this type of coverage; you need assets and a liability coverage policy. Umbrella insurance is not a stand-alone policy; you add it to a policy or policies you already have. This includes a home policy, auto insurance, condo insurance, renter’s insurance, and boat or motorcycle coverage. 

When your primary policy pays out and runs out of coverage, the umbrella policy will kick in and pay up to its maximum. Most umbrella policies start at one million dollars. 

Call us at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY, or drop into the office to discuss why umbrella insurance may be the right choice for you. 

Condo Living: Protecting Your Investment

At Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., we know that owning a condo in New Windsor, NY can be an exciting investment. Condo living provides many benefits, such as low maintenance, amenities, and a sense of community. However, as with any investment, it’s important to protect it. That’s why we offer condo insurance policies that are tailored to meet the unique needs of condo owners.

Why Condo Insurance?

One of the main advantages of condo insurance is that it provides protection for your personal property. While your condo association’s insurance policy may cover the building structure, it likely won’t cover your personal belongings. That’s where we come in. Our condo insurance policies can help you replace your belongings if they are stolen or damaged in a covered event.

In addition to personal property coverage, our condo insurance policies also provide liability protection. If someone is injured while visiting your condo, you could be held liable for their medical expenses and other damages. Our policies can help protect you financially by covering these costs.

Another benefit of working with Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. is that we understand the specific insurance needs of condo owners. For example, many condo associations have insurance deductibles that can be passed on to unit owners in the event of a claim. Our policies can help cover these deductibles, so you don’t have to pay out of pocket.

Don’t Be Without This Important Coverage

At Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., we’re committed to providing our clients with the best possible insurance coverage. We work with a variety of insurance carriers to ensure that we can provide you with the coverage you need at a price you can afford. If you’re a condo owner in New Windsor, NY, contact us today to learn more about our condo insurance policies and how we can help protect your investment.

Helping your Elderly Parent Find Adequate Life Insurance

Life insurance is an investment that is vital for all of us.  But it is especially important if you have elderly parents.  If something were to happen to them, you need to make sure they have adequate insurance to help support their surviving loved ones. 

Our insurance advisors at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., serving the greater New Windsor, NY region, can work with you in finding the right life insurance coverage for your parents’ needs.  So assuming you have their consent first, let’s look at the key aspects of life insurance you must look for when finding one for them.

Life Insurance Considerations For Your Elderly Parents

Which Type of Policy is in their Budget?

All of the different types of life insurance plans have different coverage amounts.  Term life insurance only covers a specific time length and is more affordable.  Whole life insurance, on the other hand, covers the rest of the person’s life and provides more peace of mind for parents with dependents.  When deciding on a plan for your elderly parent, you have to first examine their budget.  Could they afford the usually higher expense of whole life insurance?  If high monthly premiums aren’t in their budget, perhaps a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy might be good especially if your parent has some health issues.

What is their Current Health Status?

Another aspect to look at is how healthy your parent or parents are.  If they’re dealing with health issues now or anticipate dealing with something in the future, finding the right life insurance for their needs is vital.  Health issues start to develop the older they get, and they need to be prepared to cover expenses in case something happens to them.  Final expense life insurance is an inexpensive plan that’s great for covering end-of-life expenses such as funeral costs.

Contact Us Today

Finding the right life insurance plan for your aging parent isn’t an easy job.  For assistance in finding a good fit for their situation, contact our insurance professionals at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve New Windsor, NY and surrounding areas. 

Required Commercial Insurance in New York

When you have a business in New York, there are many types of commercial insurance available to you. There may also be insurance policies that are required for your business to carry. When you want to take sure that you’re operating legally, it’s important to know which policies are required for you.

When you need commercial insurance for your business, call us at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY to talk to an insurance agent.

Required Commercial Insurance

Workers’ Compensation

In New York, the state mandates that every business that employs workers must have workers’ compensation insurance. Every employee that you have counts, even if they are only part-time workers. When you have workers’ compensation insurance, this policy will pay for the medical bills that are due after an employee gets injured on the job or contracts a job-related sickness. When a worker has been injured and needs healing time or is disabled, this insurance will also pay them disability payments. When your New York business has this coverage, you have some protection against lawsuits and other problems that can be caused by owing an enormous amount of medical bills for an employee. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

Any vehicles that are owned by a New York business must have a commercial auto policy on each vehicle. It’s important to have this insurance because your company could be held liable after an accident that includes a company vehicle. This insurance has to have a number of types of coverage in each policy. These include coverage for bodily injury liability, liability coverage for death from an accident, property damage liability, personal injury protection for your own medical bills, and coverage for uninsured motorists that the vehicle gets into an accident. 

Get Your Required Insurance

You always need to have the required insurance policies for your business. To get started, call us at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY. 

How does classic car insurance protect you and your car?

For car lovers in the New Windsor, NY area, owning a classic car is a dream purchase and investment. When you do own a classic car here, it would be a good idea to properly protect it. Your classic car insurance plan will protect you and your car in various ways. 

Covers the Full Value of a Vehicle

A classic car is a unique type of vehicle because it can be an investment as well as a mode of transportation. Accordingly, the value of a car can increase over the years. When you have a classic car, you will want to know that its value is protected if the car is damaged or stolen. When you get a classic car insurance policy, you are able to negotiate a replacement value with the insurer, which can include covering the collectible value.

Receive Required Coverage

It is also a good idea to get a classic car plan to obtain the coverage that you need to drive. When you want to drive a car in New York, you need to have liability coverage. This requirement extends to classic car owners, who may only drive their cars sparingly. When you have a classic car plan, it will offer this important coverage while also factoring in your typical mileage to consider your true liability risk.

Get The Right Coverage Today

When you are going to own a classic car in the New Windsor, NY area, you should make sure that you are properly insured at all times. One of the best ways that this can be done is by getting the right classic car insurance. If you are looking for coverage, our team of experts at the Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. can provide any support you need to build an ideal plan. We at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. take a customized approach to ensure you create a proper policy. 

Why Should You Get Renter’s Insurance?

Renting a home or apartment doesn’t mean you’re exempt from unexpected disasters. In fact, you may be even more vulnerable since you likely don’t have as much control over property maintenance as a homeowner does. That’s where renters’ insurance comes in. This type of policy provides financial protection if your rental home is damaged or destroyed by a fire, severe weather, theft, or other covered events.

While your landlord’s insurance policy may cover some of these things, it’s essential to have your own protection in place to make sure you’re fully protected. Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY can help you get this coverage.

Below are three reasons why you should get renters’ insurance: 

It’s Cost-Effective

Renter’s insurance is relatively inexpensive, especially when you compare it to the cost of replacing your belongings if they’re damaged or destroyed. The average renter’s insurance policy costs just $15 per month, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). That’s just $180 annually for peace of mind that your belongings are protected.

It Covers Personal Property Loss

Nothing hurts like losing your personal belongings- especially when they are stolen or damaged in an accident. From clothes to electronics, many of us have expensive items we can’t afford to replace. That’s where renters’ insurance comes in.

Renter’s insurance is a type of property insurance that covers your personal belongings if they are lost, stolen, or damaged. The most common type of renter’s insurance is known as "contents coverage,"  which protects your belongings up to a specific limit.

You May Need It to Be a Tenant

Some landlords require tenants to have renter insurance before moving in. They typically include this requirement in the lease agreement. Even if your landlord doesn’t require it, having coverage is always a good idea in case of an unexpected disaster.

It Provides Liability Coverage

Renter’s insurance doesn’t just cover your belongings- it also provides liability coverage. This means that if someone is injured while they are on your property, you are protected against any legal or medical expenses that may arise.

For example, let’s say that your dog bites your neighbor, and they need to go to the hospital. If they decide to sue you, your renter’s insurance will cover the legal fees up to your policy limit.

It Gives You Peace of Mind

Renter’s insurance is an affordable way to protect your belongings and give yourself peace of mind. No one likes to think about their possessions being damaged or stolen, but it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the worst.

Get the Best Renters’ Insurance Coverage Today

If you’re looking for the best renter’s insurance coverage in the greater New Windsor, NY community, Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. is here to help. Contact us today to get started.

Defensive driving: 5 riding tips for motorcycles

Motorcycle insurance protects riders on the roadways. But nothing can replace prevention.

That’s why it’s important to remain vigilant when riding. Excessive speeds and distracted driving are the leading causes of motorcycle insurance claims. While some accidents may be unavoidable, there are ways to minimize this risk.

Fortunately, Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. can help. Not only do we provide specialized motorcycle insurance coverage, but our experts also know how to keep you safe. Located in New Windsor, NY, our agents are here to help.

We suggest these five defensive driving strategies that every rider should follow:

Gear up

Don’t worry about dressing to impress. Put together an outfit that’s protective. Helmets, gloves, and eyewear are a must. Long sleeves and pants are also encouraged to shield against wind and debris.

Stand out

Motorcycles are already difficult to spot. Increase visibility by donning bright-colored, reflective clothing. Use headlights and turn signals when needed, especially at night.

Leave space

Add extra room between you and other drivers. Boost visibility even more by avoiding blind spots and tailgating. Finding a less-traveled route can also present fewer threats.

Pass safely

Passing is another potential problem. In fact, improper lane switching and overtaking lead to a significant number of motorcycle insurance claims. Be mindful of other drivers but also never pass on curves or blind corners.

Practice skills

The best way to get comfortable while riding is through experience. Just get out and ride. It’s that simple. Yet new riders can benefit from enrolling in training courses to learn new skills and techniques.

Contact Windgate Insurance Agency Inc.

At Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY, safety is our top priority. But we do more than just provide helpful tips. Our professional agents can also build a personalized motorcycle insurance policy that ensures you’re safe. Schedule an appointment today.

What Should I Do If I Have An Accident In My Motorhome?

If you are in a motorhome when you have an accident, the steps you take can be critical to your safety and the safety of others. Here we discuss what to do if you are involved in an accident while driving or parked in a motorhome. Knowing what to do can help minimize the damage and keep you safe!

Motorhome Accident: What Steps To Take

Check Yourself and Other Passengers for Injuries

The first thing you should do after a motorhome accident is to check for injuries. Call 911 immediately and wait for medical help to arrive. Even without any serious injuries, it’s always best to get checked out by a doctor just to be safe.

Call the Police

Even in a minor accident, call the police so they can investigate and file a report. This report will help if you need to make an insurance claim.

Exchange Insurance Information

If you’re in an accident, you should first exchange insurance information. You’ll need their name, address, phone number, insurance company name, and policy number. If they don’t have insurance, get their license plate number so you can file a police report.

Document the Accident Scene

With your smartphone, take pictures of the accident scene. This will document what happened and will be useful if there is a dispute about how the accident occurred. Get pictures of both vehicles and any damage to property, such as a fence or mailbox.

Call Your Insurance Company

After you’ve exchanged insurance information with the other driver, call your insurance company to report the accident. They’ll likely ask for the same information you gave to the other driver and some details about what happened. A professional agency like Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. serving the greater New Windsor, NY community will ensure you get compensation if you were not at fault.

Contact Us Today

If you have an accident in your motorhome, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and follow the steps we outlined above. For expert insurance advice on coverage for your motorhome, give us a call at Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. in New Windsor, NY.